Monday, May 10, 2010

AMSA’s D48 with Dr. Peggy Cherng, Co-founder of Panda Restaurant Group

Last week several Andersonians ventured into the distant land of Pasadena to attend a dinner for eight with Panda Restaurant Group's (Panda) co-founder, Dr. Peggy Cherng, and five other Panda employees. Upon arrival at Panda Inn, the adventurers were well rewarded. Amidst an endless supply of decadent Chinese dishes, Andersonians heard phenomenal firsthand accounts about Panda's history and breadth of business while participating in the easy camaraderie amongst Panda's employees. As the evening drew to a close, the attendees were honored with grab bags filled with wisdom imparting white chocolate dipped fortune cookies. Thus another fantastic D48 with Peggy and Panda came to a close. Thank you to Panda and AMSA for this wonderful event. (by Grace Lin)